I am an ex Mainstream Media Director of Newscasts for major Canadian network news organization, Global News. A 20 year employee. I was swiftly fired in 2022, when I called out our dishonest, ill-informed news coverage re: Covid-19. Since then, I started a Rumble channel, AKStraightSpeaks and a Substack, Anita 808. I'm interested in the what the public has to say and would to like take calls on my platform. I'll continue to cover what the news doesn't cover and happy to hear from you!
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After being fired from Global News in 2022, I was so disgusted what I'd seen in the newsroom and from my colleagues. I knew when I gave this speech, that would be the end of my employment with the likes Global News, CBC or CTV for good.
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Hey everyone, ex Global News employee here. Join my for community for revealing and honest content about the goings on in the newsroom. I'll also post a variety of my other podcasts, reports and videos here too. Looking forward to uncensored talk!